What Your Homeowners Association Board Can Do for You


As a recognized homeowners association, most communities have a board to help the HOA run smoothly. The board consists of volunteers who execute a wide variety of tasks residents may not be aware of; however, their work affects every single resident.

One of the most important things the board does is create and enforce the association rules. While some residents may not like being told what they can and can’t do, ultimately the board is looking out for the greater good. By enforcing the rules, the board is doing its best to keep property value up to maintain community standards. Of course, the board wants to make sure the rules are beneficial for the majority—and hopefully all—residents.

Another major responsibility of the board is to collect assessments from homeowners. Collecting this money is important for the stability of the association, because the assessments pay for the common elements enjoyed by all residents. Assessments also help to replenish the reserve funds, which pay for any major repairs the association may need. The board is responsible for the association’s finances, and collecting assessments is how it ensures that the association remains solvent.

Finally, the board acts on behalf of the association by hiring managers, attorneys, contractors and other professionals who help better the association and also help keep the community safe. Board members also help conceive and lead many of the projects that will improve the HOA.

Every board benefits greatly when people volunteer to serve on committees and boards. People are busy and it may be difficult recruiting volunteers. There are a few ways to get the message to residents that the board is in need of volunteers.

1. Send a community letter of education explaining how volunteers impact the board and the community and ask for people to get involved.

2. Personally talk to people. When you see residents in and around the community speak to them and mention the opening the board has. If they are not interested in serving ask them to pass along the information.

3. Offer it to past complainers. People who complain often have some sense of wanting to have a say so around the community and complaining may be their only platform. They can make a good board member or volunteer.

4. Keep publicizing. Keep putting the need for volunteers in the community newsletter, keep talking, put up signs in the common buildings and keep announcing it at all public meetings.

While it’s a big job, board members are happy to serve the residents and make the community a great place to call home. So why not learn more about what these volunteers do by talking to your board members, attending an open board meeting or even running for a seat on the board during our next election? The more people we have looking out for our association, the stronger it will be.

If you serve on a board or your board is in need of management or training, Association Management Group provide tools, training, services, management to HOA's and Condo Associations across North and South Carolina.